Anche i francesi a cui tanto guardiamo per varietà e quantità di produzione cinematografica moderna hanno i loro problemi. A parlare è il regista di Martyrs in un'intervista su Fangoria:
It’s over. From a foreign perspective, you have an exotic point of view of what’s happening in France. The reality is different. It’s already finished. The French movie industry does not want to produce these films anymore. They don’t do very well at the box office in our own country. They make money by being sold all around the world, but it’s probably not enough for French producers to be interested in making them.
In France, the DVD market is like everywhere else – it’s difficult. Martyrs made profit by being sold in 55 countries. In France, we [horror directors] are very underground – we belong to the underground side of the movie business. We are not very considered in our own country. That’s why a lot of young French genre directors go to Hollywood because they feel more appreciated – more loved – in America than in our own country. This is a difficult situation. So I am announcing that the best of the French horror film is over. For years, in my country, it was impossible to find the money to make a horror genre film or a fantasy film. It’s been kind of possible in the last 10 years and it was like a strong energy being unleashed – that could explain why the French films have been so violent, so wild and so free.
via i 400 calci
si beh... se il problema principale della cinematografia francese è che non c'è spazio per l'horror, noi in italia cosa dovremmo dire che non abbiamo spazio per la cinematografia tout court